Get an Energy Boost With a Massage

There’s a lot that needs to be done during this busy time of year, and you need all the energy you can get to handle everything on your list. If you’re looking for an energy boost to get through the holidays, consider getting a massage at Somerset Hills Chiropractic in Bernardsville, NJ. A massage feels great and can help you relax, but it can also help you feel more energized so that you can be at the top of your game. 

Why Try Massage for an Energy Boost This Holiday

Massage doesn’t necessarily boost energy directly, but it can help eliminate things that get in the way of having that energy available when you need it. One of the best things you can do to feel more energized is get a good night’s sleep, and a chiropractic massage can help you get your full eight hours of rest by alleviating stress and allowing your body to relax. Regularly getting enough sleep ensures that you wake up feeling more refreshed, focused, and energized.

Stress can also sap your energy, making you feel fatigued and killing your motivation to do things like exercise, socialize, or get work done around the house. Massage relieves stress both at a physical and emotional level, promoting the production and flow of stimulating hormones like dopamine and serotonin. This chemical reaction enhances your mood and gives you more motivation and energy to do what you need to do or want to do. 

And massage can help relieve stress that physically manifests in your muscles and joints. A massage can remove tension in your muscles and restore range of motion in the joints, helping you feel more mobile and more capable. That may be all that you need to find the energy to go for a run or hit the gym. 

Feel More Energized in Bernardsville, NJ

The holidays are just ahead on the horizon, and Somerset Hills Chiropractic can help empower you to be at your best when you need to be. If you’d like to try massage, chiropractic, personal training, or other tools that can be helpful for a timely energy boost, schedule an appointment or stop into our offices in Bernardsville, NJ. 

Yours in Health,

Dr. Brian Wallace

Dr. Glenn Eigenmann

Dr. Raymond Horman